910 364 1430

Our Passion

"We're Junk In The Trunk!"

We're passionate about bringing quality service to you.
Junk removing and Organizing is our business. We have built a national reputation for garage organizing, Junk removing, and recycling.
About Us

I am Oz Kulac.

Our Philosophy

Junk In the Trunk

Our Philosophy

It is a philosophy born out of over 10 years of servicing community demanding quality service at a great value. A company has to be much more than just profitable to not only last 10 years but to command the type of loyalty from its customers as well as its employees that our company enjoys. We believe what has awarded us this luxury is the unique approach, in every phase of the business, of seeing people as just that...people. Our customers have told us that after visiting other website....



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Hard worker

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Serving to community

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